Contact Congress to #SaveRyanWhitePartD

In less than a week (beginning May 15th), appropriations bills (including the HRSA budget containing the alarming changes to Ryan White Part D) will start being heard in the US Congressional Budget Committee until June 10th. After that, the rest of June will be spent negotiating the appropriations bills, which will be finalized by June 30th.

We have only this month and next to reach out to the President and Congress! After that, it will be TOO LATE to save this important program!

PLEASE consider helping us if you can. The Congressional Budget Committee members have a group email account in addition to their individual contact information. If you would take just a moment to visit the link below, you will find a sample letter that you can use as a guide (if you choose), and also a list of email addresses and other contact info that you can use if desired. Thank you for helping to #SaveRyanWhitePartD!