The Autism Women's Network launches DIVERgent

The Autism Women's Network (AWN), a phenomenal non-profit autism organization, has recently launched an exciting new initiative.

Concerned with how some groups were portraying and excluding women with disabilities from conversations and activities related to female empowerment and equality, AWN created DIVERgent.

"DIVERgent works to change how disabled women are commonly perceived within society while challenging the myths of our inferiority, both as women and as disabled exploring the interactions between sexism and ableism within both disabled and nondisabled communities."

Chaired by Elizabeth Grace and Kassiane Sibley, DIVERgent is a truly inconclusive community that welcomes disabled and non-disabled members.

You can learn more about DIVERgent by visiting the Autism Women's Network on their website, onTwitter, or on their FB page!